Cat List

These are the list of cats in IvyClan and who plays them. I would highly suggest going over this so that you know the first part of your warrior name that you cannot have.

Leader: Gorsestar-large brown bengal tom with fern-green eyes: Applefeather

Deputy: Spiderfoot-long-limbed black tom with a brown underbelly and amber eyes: Amber

Mintflower-beautiful gray she-cat with swirled gray tabby stripes: Applefeather
Birchclaw-handsome ginger tom: Applefeather
Fernsplash-tortoiseshell she-cat: Amber
Rowanclaw-dark brown tabby tom: Alado
Leafsong-fluffy tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat

5 Warriors

Swiftpaw-black-and-white she-cat: Amber
Sharppaw-golden brown tabby tom: Amber
Lynxpaw-dark brown tabby tom: Alado
Cherrypaw-dark ginger she-cat: Alado

4 Apprentices

Total of 11 Cats!